so the roomate has a new boyfriend. He lives in Seattle. Really nice guy. For
his birthday I promised the roomate a trip west. I’ve always wanted to see San
Franciso and maybe the northwest. With the advent of the new boyfriend we now
have a base of operations in Seattle. So Seattle Tom as I now call him to
differentiate between him and avery other Tom in my life, Seattle Tom, goes
every year to this gay summer camp outside Portland Oregon.
Now I’m a geek. A big one. And a queen. “roughing it” to me is lack of wi-fi.
So I’m kinda reticent about the whole “camp” thing. Seattle Tom has encouraged
me to go and, of course the roomate is going. So I’m thinking I might give it
a try. Apparetly they have “dormatory-type” cabins which are heated by not air
conditioned. …sigh… Who knows I might have fun.